Dr. Ariyo Oluwaseun

Dr. Oluwaseun Ariyo holds a PhD degree in Human Nutrition from University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. He also possesses a Postgraduate Diploma in Nutrition in a Changing Global Environment from Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. He is presently a senior lecturer in the Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Ibadan with bias for community and public health nutrition. His researches are inclined to identify and promote existing indigenous skills and practices which can be encouraged and sustained to achieve nutritional and health benefits in both long and short terms. He has been involved in community-based research activities in the areas of nutrition, agriculture and public health, through which he acquired skills in planning, implementation and evaluation of nutrition and health programmes.

Dr. Ariyo is a member of the National Working Group on Nigerian Food composition database and the National Committee on Food and Nutrition representing the University of Ibadan and other institutions in South West Nigeria. He consults for varioua organizations at the national and state levels including United Nations Children Fund, World Bank, Nestle Nigeria Plc, Food Basket Foundation International, Helen Keller International, Synergos Development Innovations, among others. He serves as a Consultant for the Oyo State ANRiN Mapping of activities of Development Partners in Oyo State, 2019 –2020; and as the lead consultant for the mapping of nutrition interventions and actors in Akwa Ibom and Plateau States. He has consulted for Hellen Keller International for the monitoring of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Weeks across different states in Nigeria.

He supported the development of the National Multisectoral Plan of Action on Nutrition under the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning; Ekiti State Plan of Action on Nutrition under UNICEF and Ekiti State Planning Commission; Ogun State Action Plan on Nutrition under the State’s Ministry of Economic Planning; Oyo State Plan of Action on Nutrition under UNICEF and the state’s Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning; and Jigawa State Multisectoral Plan of Action on Food and Nutrition under UNICEF and the state Ministry of Budget and Planning. He has won several awards including MASHAV Scholarship, African Nutrition Leadership Fellowship, KOP-Netherlands Fellowship, Africa Research Excellence Fund Fellowship, Nutrition Society UK Travel Grant, Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA) Travel Award, International Union of Nutritional Sciences Travel Award. He was the Principal Investigator for the Thomas- Bassir Biomedical Foundation Small Research Grants on “Positive Deviant Practices predisposing to Good Nutritional Status and Health of Nigerian Older People Living in Ibadan, Nigeria”, Evaluation of Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Programmes and Outcomes for women in Benue, Kaduna and Kogi States, Nigeria (2018), and Assessment of mpact and Sustainability of Infant and Young Child Feeding Programmes in selected Local Government Areas in Akwa-Ibom State (2019). He is also the co-Principal Investigator on Nestec Research, Switzerland Grant on “Dietary Intake, Anthropometry, Lifestyle Parameters and Feeding Practices of Children Aged 4 -13.9 years in the City of Ibadan, Nigeria (Ibadan Kids Nutrition and Health Study), 2019. He is a member of learned societies including Nutrition Society of Nigeria, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, African Nutrition Society, Nutrition Society, United Kingdom, African Graduate Students Nutrition Network and American Society of Nutrition.

He is happily married to Deborah Omokhose Oluwaseun Ariyo and blessed with two sons, Temiloluwa and Tiwaloluwa.